Welcome on Todon Events

Todon Events is a calendar for radical leftist events.

This website is run by a small collective of comrades that are annoyed by the ongoing use of corporate social media by (radical) leftist people. We believe that offering good non-corporate alternatives, can help people to free themselves from the clutches of the capitalist overlords. For the anarchists: this and our other services are an example of prefigurative politics.

Todon Events is powered by the federated open-source server software Gancio, created by some Italian anarchist comrades. All events are automatically forwarded to the rest of the fediverse with the account @relay@acties.todon.nl. You can also follow all events with RSS and iCalendar (.ics), and embed them as a list on you own website/blog. We also encourage you to share individual events on your own (capitalist) social media account.

We also run and federate with Todon Acties (Actions), another Gancio instance. Here you can find radical leftist actions, demonstrations, manifestations, festivals, etc. in the so-called Netherlands, Belgium and surroundings. Both are run by the radical leftist anti-authoritarian Mastodon servers Todon.eu and Todon.nl. Therefore events/actions published on both instances should be in line with our Terms of Service. Actions/events primarily organized by political parties or NGOs (except small ones) are not allowed.

If you are on todon.eu or todon.nl you can request a new account on Todon Events with the same email address you use for your Mastodon account. Everyone else need to explain what kind of events they want to add. Please give us time to approve your account request. Read here why we only prefer activist/political content on Todon Events.

You can also add events anonymously without an account, but we need to approve (or decline) those events manually and another disadvantage is that you can't edit anonymous events afterwards. Be sure to give a source for the action so we can verify that it is real. Don't forget the flyer.