Confronting Injustice: Academic Freedom In The Shadow Of Political Repression

This online event delves into the complex intersections of academic freedom, political repression, and the right to protest, with a focus on the Palestinian struggle and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine and Gaza. The panel will consist of Prof Sarah Bracke (UvA), Dr Walaa Alqaisiya (LSE) and Lana Said (EUR) and be moderated by Dr Federica Violi (EUR) and Abdurrahman Erol (EUR).
In this event, we will critically examine the pressing challenges facing academic freedom in politically charged contexts, focusing primarily on the recent student and academic protests about the ongoing crisis in Palestine and experiences of Pro-Palestinian scholars and students. Through a series of discussions, we will highlight relevant international and European legal frameworks, and the Dutch academic landscape, addressing key issues of freedom of expression, institutional complicity, and the role of academia in advocating for justice.
We will explore the role of academic institutions in both fostering and suppressing dissent and the impact of political repression on academic expression. and how the discourse on securitisation affects rightful expressions of dissent and protest within academic institutions, often encountering surveillance and marginalization. Attention will also be given to how these issues play out in the Netherlands, reflecting broader global trends and tensions surrounding academic freedom and the right to protest. The zoom link to the event will be sent upon registration.
Register here for the event.