Stop The Gas Lobby (Demonstration)

8.-9.12. Conference // 10.12. 16:30 Demonstration // Direct Action
In December, the global gas lobby meets in Berlin/Germany to celebrate their climate destruction. At the luxury Hotel Adlon, prizes will be awarded to those who have done the best greenwashing. But companies that put our lives at risk for profit must expect our resistance: Together we want to disrupt the gas companies’ congress and stand up for a renewable, just future for all.
Demonstration against the gas summit at the Adlon hotel
Together we will take to the streets on 10 December. While the gas lobby awards itself prizes for its destructive business on this evening, we will stand together for a renewable, fair and secure future for all.
🗓️ Date: Tuesday, December 10th 2024
📍 Place: Pariser Platz
🕔 Time: 16:30 demonstration / 18:00 rally
Stop the gas lobby – energy transition now!
While countless extreme weather events are destroying cities, forests and human lives around the world, the international gas lobby wants to celebrate at the ‘World LNG Summit’ in Berlin in mid-December. At the posh Adlon Hotel, large fossil fuel companies and lobby groups will outdo each other to see who can most successfully sell dirty gas as ‘clean’. They want to decide our energy future with the sole aim of maximising their profits. They know that the climate killer fossil gas actually has no future: That’s why they are networking and forging plans on how to maintain their destructive business model for as long as possible. They are slowing down the energy transition with greenwashing and long-term supply contracts. We all need affordable, safe and clean energy – but this can only be achieved with renewable energies and the technologies for this have long been available.
LNG is extremely harmful. It consists of methane, which is around 80 times more harmful to the climate than CO2 and escapes through leaks along the entire supply chain. If it comes from the USA, it is predominantly fracking gas. The industrial plants are usually located in poor neighbourhoods and make people and the environment sick through water and air pollution. If it comes from Russia, it finances Putin’s war against Ukraine. If it comes from countries like Qatar, labour and human rights are violated in the exploitation of resources. If it comes from countries in the Global South, it cements structures of exploitation that have existed for centuries.
We oppose these corporations that are endangering people and burning up our future for profit! We demand:
Get out of dirty and dangerous gas
Stop all new gas projects – in Germany and worldwide
No new fossil fuel infrastructure, no long-term supply contracts
Affordable and climate-friendly electricity and heat supply from 100% renewable energies for everyone